Friday, 16 October 2015

Task 3 Materials

The materials in my team's production will be necessary because without them we wont be able to create our four minute short film without it. the equipment we most need is a camera which we will need to recorded the whole movie.

We might need some self made material as it would benefit us and we wont have to spend any money on our film production but it will take some time to make the materials for our self which will take some time which would also be a disadvantage but we would want our short film to as good as possible. This is why I think that self made materials  would help the movie we are creating it helps the movie industry they also don't have to spend any money which is advantage. Archive materials help as they can b drafts from pre production so the team working on the movies can understand how the movie should go about being created and the team making the movie has a clear idea of what must be done in order to make it. They can also take past picture to show a certain area which the director wants the movie to be set. Library materials can really help a be created as it is from this that the director can get some inspiration in creating the movie. For example if I was a director and I wanted to make a movie which was set in world war one or two I might want to research back into the some of the past history, read books based on the world war also learn some facts about it. as I have read books based on the world war I might know how people felt so I'll tell my actors how to act in the movie. I will would also have dark and grey scenes to show how depressing it was and set up the atmosphere for the whole movie. It's little thing that make a movie what it is.

TV shows like the BBC news always talks about historical things which happened in the past and it uses library and archive materials all the time. In the BBC news you also gain some sort of knowledge as the team at the BBC always research on their topics. TV shows like planet earth also use the library and archive materials and is always informative.

The movie that me and my team are creating is called the borderland seer which has five characters. I would say that everyone would be looking very smart as four of the character are rich and some are even profession , successful workers in our short film. There will be a family of four in the movie which are rich. The farther in the movie would be using a business suit and as a prop a brief case to show that he is a very busy man.  The doctor which is not part of the family would be using a long lab cot which is white and may be a stethoscope and syringe as props. Both mother and daughter are expected to use a long dress. while the son would wear a sweater or T shirt and smart trousers. Some of the equipment we will need is a tripod to keep the camera stead when filming  and a skate board to keep the camera stead at a low angle when recording. We might also need other props such as a fake, hammer and pliers as in the movie there will be a torturing scene  as our main movie genre is horror. I think that the props and equipment  of my team is enough and we can pull this short film off without using any money as it only a four minute movie the only problem is that need a schedule and we need ti work together as a team supporting one another.

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